Lauren Tobin

Lauren Tobin

FREE GDPR eLearning from Assent

Data Protection Consultants

With the GDPR deadline been and gone (25th May 2018), Assent Risk Management released a FREE online course to help break down the requirements of GDPR and give you a breakdown of some actions that will help you to prepare.…

ISO 45001 Migration Help

Health and Safety

UPDATE [6th April 2020]: Due to the current COVID-19 situation, IAF has extended the transition period for certified companies to migrate from OHSAS18001 to ISO45001 by 6 months and now ends on 11 September 2021.  UKAS Technical note. UPDATE [12th…

Open Banking is here!

Credit Cards Extra Charges

You might not be aware yet, but Saturday (13th January 2018) saw the start of Open Banking, and this will probably affect how you manage your money in the future!   What is Open Banking? Your bank has records of…