Compliance &
ISO Certification for
Travel Management Companies

Travel Management Companies (TMC) handle some of the most personal and sensitive information there is and work in a sector that has a much higher environmental impact than other business services organisations.

Our consultants are experienced in helping Travel Management Companies manage risks across the spectrum including Quality, Environmental, Energy and Information Security through integrated management systems.

Travel Risks

Travel Risk Management to ISO 31030

Our ISO 31030 are industry leaders in travel risk management.

We can help you establish a travel risk management programme to protect your travellers or as a service to your clients.

Energy & Environment

ISO 14001 & ISO 50001 for Travel Management

The travel industry has a high carbon footprint, and Travel Management Companies have a responsibility to manage this as far as possible. Looking internally at the company’s premises is a good place to start, but in-direct impacts can also be targeted, by advising on the most efficient travel itinerary for travellers.

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard for Environmental Management, while the Energy Management Standard ISO 50001 can be used to meet ESOS requirements.

Travel Management


Talk’N TRM

Brought to you by Bex Deadmen and Assent Risk Management, Talk’n TRM explores what Travel Risk Management is in organisations.

Information Security

ISO 27001 for Travel Management

whether it’s through the Global Distribution System (GDS), Galileo or Vendor Portals, TMC staff are handling and processing personal identifiable information (PII) on a regular basis, and should ensure that an effective Risk Management Process, such as ISO 27001, is in place. Certification to ISO 27001 also provides an additional benefit for the company.

Payment Security

PCI DSS in Travel

Through Bill-Back or direct card payments, Travel Management Companies are often in the scope of PCI DSS, and this is an area our consultants can help and advise on.

Travel Management

Quality Management

ISO 9001 for Travel Management

The travel industry is a people industry, and delivering a high quality service to the end users is vital in retaining and growing business.

Quality Management Systems such as ISO 9001 can be used to obtain and analyse feedback, while also studying operational processes to identify improvements.

Assent Can Help!

Assent has experience working with Travel Management Companies to manage risks and implement best practices such as ISO standards.

We can support you through gap analysis, implementation, internal auditing, consultancy or other professional services to continually improve your organisation.

Accessible Tourism

ISO 21902

ISO 21902 provides a set of requirements for accessible tourism services including:

  • Transport
  • Urban and Rural Tourist Spaces
  • Leisure Activities
  • Meeting, Incentives, Conventions and Events
  • Accommodation
  • Food and Beverage Services (Catering Spaces)
  • Tour Operators and Travel Agencies
ISO 21902 Accessible Tourism