Apple to spend $850m on solar energy

Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced that the company will be partnering with First Solar (America’s largest utility-scale installer) on a project that could supply Power to 60,000 homes in California. The installation will cover around 1,300 acres of land,…

Prime Numbers

There are periods when I spend a lot of time driving alone in the car and inevitably my mind drifts on to various subjects. One day this week, for a reason I don’t know, the thought of prime numbers entered…

How Plimsoll Made Shipping Safer.

Britain has a rich shipping heritage and it’s nice to think we have made a considerable contribution to modern shipping standards. As the new year 2015 started, by coincidence, news came through of two nautical emergencies off the coast of…

Journey 2014

Journey: Feedback Results 2014

During November 2014, as part of our Assent Journey Project, we asked an independent third party to engage with our existing clients and ask for their feedback on our service. It’s important to us that we live up to our…