Understanding ISO 9001 – Introduction – 1 minute reads

Part 1 –Introduction to Implementing a Quality Management System

An effective and well maintained Quality Management System (QMS) can really help an organisation to run more effectively. It is particularly helpful to new businesses and growing businesses when they need to juggle new clients, support enquiries, employ new staff members as well as maintain the current operations of the business.

Having a certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System gives your customers the confidence in your organisation’s ability to effectively manage and maintain their business, with customer satisfaction at the heart of what you do. This surely makes your organisation one that is most likely to be chosen by customers.

Some things to consider when planning a good quality management system are; 

  • Focus on the customers and their requirements (Customer Focus).
  • Make sure you have clear and strong leadership of the QMS in your organisation (Leadership).
  • Think about how you can get everyone in your organisation involved with the QMS and playing their part (Engagement).
  • Planning your QMS; think about what it needs to do for your organisation and the steps you will take to achieve that (Planning).
  • Always look for things that you can do better (Continual Improvement).
  • When making decisions in your organisation, make sure you always base it on evidence (Evidence Based).
  • Carry out regular assessments to prevent or minimise risks (Risk Assessments).
  • Carry out audits of the QMS within your own organisation to make sure everything is working as you intend it to and to identify any improvements you could make (Internal Audits).

In this series of blogs, we’ll explore these principles in greater detail, and hopefully answer all your ISO 9001 related questions. 

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the standard and how it can fit into your organisation, check out the free ISO 9001 Awareness course provided by our colleagues over at Lorators. 

Or if you think you’re ready to find out more about implementing a Quality Management System to the requirements of ISO 9001, our experienced consultants are ready to help.


Read the rest of the Blog Series Here –

Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51