Tag Risk Assessment

Flixborough Chemical Works Explosion

Flixborough Chemical Works Explosion 1974

The Incident Flixborough chemical works  had been managed safely for many years, with no notable accidents, until temporary repairs and modifications to maintain production were carried out after a six foot crack developed in one of the six inline reactors. …

The Tay Bridge Disaster of 1879

Welcome to our blog series looking at the causes and consequences of well known disasters. The Incident The Tay Bridge disaster occurred on Sunday 28th December 1879, resulting in the loss of life of approximately 75 people travelling on the train.…

ISO 27001 as a Tool for GDPR Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulations, and related UK Legislation, places responsibility on organisations to be ‘accountable’.  Although many of the requirements were already in place under previous legislation, organisations need to evidence their compliance and could face higher fines for…