How We Could Use Nature Help Ease Flooding.

Of course no-one in the British Isles (or indeed anywhere with a news channel) can claim to be naïve of the bizarre and destructive weather that Britain has been cowed to. Every day, more reports of devastation roll in and the main benefactor seems to be flooding and its lasting effects. What we do all seem to be a little naïve to, however, is the array of things that can be done to help prevent such flooding in the future.

We know about the Thames Flood Defence that protects London (although there is debate as to what areas it endangers in the process), we know that some parts of Yorkshire and Essex have flood barriers after the horrific floods of the 1950’s. But what about the rest of the land that is at risk but has no hope of getting a flood defence? Ironically, Mother Nature can take away, but it appears She could also give.

Essentially there are many research projects for better ways to prevent flooding. However there are two possible solutions that caught my eye due to their simplicity:

According to many sources, one way forward is soil. Soil is designed to hold moisture and release it slowly, but it can only do this if it has the room to respond accordingly. Over-cultivating and trampling of the soil leaves it flat, compacted and more like a hard surface that water just runs straight off. If we could set a plan for soil to be “refreshed” (or “fluffed up” as it makes more sense to me), the soil would do its job naturally, giving time for the water to drain away gradually rather than in one big rush.

Another point to consider, is how blocked up our natural waterways have become. Rivers that are overloaded with weeds, rubbish and loose silt and soil become blocked up and leave no easy route for water to escape. If you get one big rush of water, the water courses will just “pile up” under the pressure and the water will overflow to spread out elsewhere.

Perhaps we should consider that saying “all rivers lead to the sea”, and begin considering ways to make it easier for the water to go back to where it came from, so as to hold back the tide a little longer until a definite long term solution can be implemented.

However there are a few fantastic solutions being trialled around the country. Here’s article that offer a much more comprehensive insight: … g-dredging

Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51