Health & Safety Site Inspections
Our qualified health & safety consultants can work with you to design a safety inspection and monitoring process that helps your organisation maintain good health & safety practices across all your sites and activities.

General cleanliness and tidiness of a site can significantly contribute to a safe working environment.
Our periodic housekeeping site inspections take into consideration:
- Temperature,
- Noise,
- Dust,
- Natural / Artificial Lighting,
- Walkways,
- Access.
We’ll report objective evidence including photographs and videos where necessary.
Equipment Maintenance
Maintaining production and support equipment is not only good for business but also essential for a safe working environment. Our site inspections can review the maintenance records for equipment and evidence that applicable legislation is met.
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)
Applicable to lifting equipment including Forklift Trucks, Pallet Trucks and Hoists; LOLER thorough examinations must be carried out by a competent person on a regular basis.
Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
PUWER covers equipment used in everyday work. Our site inspections will include a visual inspection of ladders, tools and other equipment.
Training & Risk Assessments should also be in place to support the safe use of work equipment and our health and safety consultants can also assist with this.
Record Keeping
Our Facilities Compliance Audit can also help you ensure you that your maintenance records are up-to-date.
Guarding & Emergency Cut-Off
Machine guarding and cut-offs should be in-place and functional. We can verify that controls are in place by observing work practices to ensure that no dangerous work arounds are being applied.
In line with your Health & Safety Risk Assessments and PPE Policy, our site inspections can include a visual check that PPE is being correctly worn where required.
Contact us
If you have any questions or inquiries please contact us here.