Assent’s New Podcast – Exploring Standards

We are incredibly excited to announce the launch of our new podcast Exploring Standards. 



Exploring Standards is available on all major podcasting platforms.

Assent Risk Management is a progressive Risk and Resilience Consultancy built for the digital age. We pride ourselves on Championing International Standards. In this podcast we will be talking to experts from the consultancy industry, discussing standards, ISO’s, consulting and everything in between, to bring you industry knowledge and updates.

Consultants, auditors, clients and people in the industry are always very passionate about their subject. We want to provide a platform for the standards industry to share their knowledge and stories. 

We will be covering all areas of the industry, including the parts people don’t normally see. From common standards such as ISO 9001 [Quality Management] and ISO 27001 [Information Security], we will also be driving forward new standards such as ISO 31030 for travel risk management. We want to provide insights and value for people inside and outside the industry. 

The first episode will be released Wednesday 11th January 2023.
New episodes will be released fortnightly on a Wednesday morning.  

Subscribe to Exploring Standards on your favourite podcast platform, including;

  • Apple Podcasts 
  • Google Podcasts
  • Amazon Music
  • TuneIn + Alexa
  • iHeart Radio
  • PlayerFM
  • Overcast
  • Pocket Cast
  • Castro
  • Castbox
  • + Many more!

Listen to our Introductory Episode

Episode 0 – Introducing Exploring Standards with Robert Clements.
In this episode, we discuss why we started the podcast, the release schedule, future guests and what you expect from Exploring Standards. 


The Exploring Standards Podcast is produced by Clemark.Studio for Assent Risk Management, with special guest contributors.

Jessica Inglis
Jessica Inglis
Articles: 39