Assent – Christmas Charity 2018

Please Donate via our Just Giving page!

Each year our company supports a charity and fundraises over the Christmas period. This year we have chosen G.O.S.H – Great Ormond Street Hospital. A world class children’s hospital which relies heavily on fundraising – The hospital’s charity, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity is the largest charitable funder of medical research dedicated to paediatrics in the UK. The Charity is currently funding more than 70 research projects in GOSH and the ICH.

Since opening in 1852 the hospital has relied on charitable support. The day to day running of the hospital is covered by the NHS – BUT ‘The Great Ormond Street Charity’ aims to raise £50 million each year to keep pushing forward and advancing in medicinal developments. Also allowing the hospital to remain at the fore front of child healthcare, purchasing up-to-date equipment, providing accommodation for the families of sick children and hospital staff AND substantially supporting research into rare childhood diseases.

December will see our team getting heavily involved in fundraising for G.O.S.H. We have entered our team into the 5k ‘Santa Dash’ and set up a Just Giving page.

We will also hold a ‘Christmas Jumper Week’ between 10th and 15th December– during this week we will be holding Cake sales, Quizzes and Raffles.

Instead of sending out general corporate gifts to our Associates / Clients this year, we will purchasing gifts from the online G.O.S.H. Charity Shop.

Donna Clements
Donna Clements
Articles: 18