5 Energy Advantages an ISO 50001 Management System has on your Business.

ISO 50001 is an International Standard enabling organisations to establish the systems and processes required to measure and improve their energy performance.

This standard fits together with ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) really well, as Energy Management should be viewed as part of overall Environmental Policy and therefore aspects of ISO 14001 can be easily expanded to integrate an ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

ISO 50001 brings a variety of advantages to any organisation, including:

  1. Public Opinion.

For any business or organisation, public opinion is tremendously important. In serious situations, opinions can make or break a company. By implementing an ISO 50001 Management System, your public view should be positive. Your business is more likely to be seen as sensible and responsible, because you’re being energy-efficient.

  1. Decrease Energy Bills.

An ISO 50001 Energy Management System enables your business or organisation to manage its energy consumption, therefore you shall be reducing energy bills and increasing company savings.

  1. Reduce Greenhouse Gases.

Implementing an Energy Management System will enable your company to contribute to reducing greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases cause global warming – a sudden rise in temperature which has a negative effect on the environment.

  1. Carbon Regulation Commitment (CRC)

The Carbon Regulation Commitment (CRC) scheme was created to recover energy efficiency and decrease carbon dioxide emissions in organisations that are high energy operators. Having an ISO 50001 Management System allows you to comply with the CRC, and more regulations!

  1. Create Awareness of Roles in the Workplace

ISO 50001 allows every employee within your organisation to be aware of their role in Energy Management.

An Energy Management System enables any organisation to measure and control its energy consumption, ultimately creating a cost saving. Our ISO 50001 Consultants can help your organisation become more energy efficient and demonstrates this commitment through UKAS Accredited Certification. Contact us to discuss your Energy Management System.

Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51