Assent Releases FREE ISO Documentation on NEW Platform

ISO Consultants, Assent Risk Management, have made over 65 Documents available FREE-of-Charge on the newly launched platform.

It’s the first batch of ISO templates released as part of a continued commitment to Open Data Beta Launch has been developed to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration through a free-to-access web app. 

The Beta launch of the platform is available to Assent’s consultants and limited early adopters, who will give feedback on the user experience, as well as contributing to the improvement of documents themselves.

Free to Use ISO Documents

The content on is released under a Creative Commons Share Alike 4.0 License, meaning anyone can download and adapt the documents into their management systems, providing they credit as the source.

Read an Overview of the license: 

Platform Development

While the ‘knowledge base’ module of is launched today, the platform paves the way for development of premium services including an online gap analysis and guided implementation tools.  

Content will also be added covering additional standards over the coming months.

Robert Clements, Director at Assent said:

“This project has taken many months to come together but we are pleased to release the first batch of ISO Documentation, specifically aimed at ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management systems.

Our consultants at Assent add real value to organisations who are looking to achieve ISO Certification, but we understand that the consultative approach doesn’t suit everyone.

We hope this makes ISO Certification more accessible to smaller organisations and opens up more flexible ways to access our support.”

Visit to find out more.

Robert Clements
Robert Clements
Articles: 297