FREE Legal Register: New Clearer Format!

Assent’s legal register has been helping organisations stay on top of their legislative and other obligations for many years now, and we’ve seen a lot of changes (not least in the last 18 months!).  

As we like to provide a template that is helpful to the widest range of organisations and industries that we can manage, the register is comprehensive but it had understandably become very full and somewhat time consuming to sort through.  

As much as our ISO consultants enjoy helping our clients to get their documents, registers, and processes in tip-top shape, we’re always looking improvements that can make their tasks more efficient. 

For this reason, we’ve given the legal register and legal update process a complete overhaul to make it quicker, smoother, and easier to navigate.  

New, Clearer Format 

Previously, the legal register included all new legislation, amendments, and updates in one place, complete with a link to the legislation, a link to guidance, and with new entries added to the bottom of the register. Although the version history helped to identify the row numbers of the most recent additions, it didn’t help to track down specific items. 

Our all-new legal register format is more concise, with only the “core” legislation identified. The links take you to the original legislation, which is updated by the government every time there’s an amendment or other changes. The register is now also in alphabetical order – any new legislation will be added in the correct place alphabetically and identified by name on the version history.  

Furthermore, we’ve separated out the “Brexit” and “Covid” legislation onto separate “tabs” of the spreadsheet and have removed any items that have been revoked. This has reduced the size of all three registers considerably.  

New Legislation Status Column 

Finally, we’ve added a status column to identify whether items of legislation are: 

  • Active 
  • Active Under Review 
  • Pending 
  • Revoked 

This helps to keep track of the items that are going to be updated by the government and identifies items that might need to be removed or “hidden”. 

Stay Up-To-Date! 

The way we provide updates has also changed. 

Previously, all updates would be identified in our newsletters, and added to the end of the register. However, we realised this made it hard to keep the register up-to-date and meant that the register became very big very quickly.  

For this reason we’ll be sending out a monthly amendments register in a separate document, so that everyone can quickly identify the updates that they need to be aware of. Amendments to existing legislation no longer need to be added to the main register, as the “core” legislation is updated by the government.  

Any new legislation will be highlighted on the monthly amendment list, and clients and consultants can update their registers accordingly.  

The new format register is available now via our Platform. Clients and consultants can request the new format or are more than welcome to keep going with their original format register. 

The Monthly Amendments list will start being sent out on the 1st of December 2021, then the first working day of each month thereafter.  

Questions? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch via [email protected] or via an existing direct contact! 


Kathy Clements
Kathy Clements
Articles: 51